Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Monday, April 9, 2012

We had such a great weekend at the Lost Pines Resort that we plan to make it an annual trip. Hudson really had a great time with so many new experiences and they were all so much fun for us to watch. The resort even had an Easter egg hunt for the kids on Sunday morning and Hudson really enjoyed it. By far, his favorite part of the entire trip was playing in the pool with Dada, and although he wasn't technically supposed to be swimming, we found ways to break the rules and make it happen anyways. What a wonderful weekend!

NOTE: There are lots of photos from this weekend, so I'm sharing lots with you. You can actually click on one of the photos to view them as a slide show. This is particularly important because some of my images get cut off when I post from my phone (not sure why), but if you click on them you can actually see the full image.

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