Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Monday, April 16, 2012

Take me out to the ballpark!

Ever since we found out we were having a little boy, Scott has talked about how much he looked forward to taking him to baseball games. Well, the day has come. Yesterday we took Hudson to see a minor league game in Frisco and he loved it, giving a play by play update as we watched - "miss!", "pitch the ball!", "fast ball"... It's only the beginning for Scott and the Hud's baseball adventures. Next up- a Ranger's game, perhaps when the Giants (or Yankees!) are in town.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,great pics especially #2 with the Hud in Daddy's lap concentrating on the game. Just one ?? in the last pic are they looking at a deep fly to center, a pop-up, or an unidentified flying object...
