Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Monster

Yes, a monster.
Scott has created a monster. 
As I have mentioned multiple times in the last few weeks, Hudson is completely, completely obsessed with sports. You may recall that we even got confirmation of said obsession from Hudson's guide at school, Sylvie. At our parent/teacher conference Sylvie said, "He's really, I mean REALLY into sports. Scott, is he learning this from you?" 

YES. The answer is YES. He's definitely not learning it from me! 

For those of you that know Scott, and know him well, none of this will come as any surprise. Scott is quite sports obsessed himself. So, naturally Scott is sharing what he loves with Hudson, which at first I thought was really, really cute, but now...well, no, not so much. 

When Hud looks at me at 7AM, still in his pj's, with his shoes on and says, "Mama, shoot hoops, mama! Outside mama!" it isn't quite so cute anymore. Or as he says, "pitch the ball!" all afternoon as it heats up to 87 degrees and the mosquitos come out to play. Mama does not feel like shooting hoops, pitching the ball or playing soccer. Mama wants to lay on the couch in the air conditioning and eat cupcakes...but I digress... Hud has no regard for the fact that I am carrying around a basketball of my own in my tummy. He doesn't want to hear excuses. He's ready to play and he thinks I should be, too! OK, I admit, it's a little cute. I love that he's so into being active, being outside and learning, I just wish I had the energy to accommodate him!

Scott gets a small taste of what I hear all day long when he gets home from work. Before Scott's even through the door Hudson has his shoes ready for him and says, "Dada, put these on. Shoot hoops, dada." I just look at him and say, "You created the monster, sweetheart, now go play with him."

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