Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Sunday, April 22, 2012

JHMS Parent/Teacher Conference Spring 2012

We had our second parent/teacher conference on Friday and we learned a lot about Hudson and who he is at school. A few things worth mentioning:

Hudson loves to sing and dance. A lot of times when I come to pick him up at school he says, "mama, watch this!" and then does a little dance for me. Sylvie and I both crack up at this maneuver.

Hudson loves SPORTS - to the extent that Sylvie was quite surprised and I suspect she hasn't seen before. As I've mentioned previously, he is obsessed with all sports, and can speak intelligently about them, using terms like, "pitch the ball, hit, shoot a hoop, miss, try again..." Gee, I wonder where this came from?

Hudson loves to cook, set the table and prepare the food for snack time (which incidentally he doesn't eat most of the time). See images below.

Overall Hudson is doing really well at school and Sylvie seems to enjoy having him there as much as we believe he enjoys being there. I honestly could not have chosen a better place to send my child every day.

Waiting for the trash man to come along, Sylvie says they all love it.
Cleaning up his shoes, he is a VERY, VERY neat and clean person.
Still cleaning. Note: he is cleaning the inside of his shoes.
Cutting fruit (yes, that is a real knife!)
Peeling a cucumber.
With Natalia, Sylvie says he likes to sit with Natalia.

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