The Hud has been doing and saying some really funny things lately. I wish I could write them all down as they happen before I forget them, but there just is never enough time in the day. With him talking pretty much nonstop these days, it's been really interesting and entertaining to see how his little mind works and how he makes connections and puts things together. Here are a few examples of this which have made me smile recently:
Last week
Hudson and I were sitting in the waiting room at his doctor's office
when a brand new little baby behind us sneezed. Hudson promptly turned
around, looked at the baby and said, "bless you!"
we were walking into a store and a homeless man on the sidewalk
sneezed, Hudson said, "bless you!" I think this made the guy's day. He
said, "thanks, little man!"
Incidentally, he also says "bless you" if you cough....
One of Hudson's favorite songs from Music Together is called "Stars Shining". It's a lullaby that we'd sing at the end of class at one of our many semesters of Music Together (we still take it, but this is our last semester for a little while). As you know, he loves to sing, so we sing this song a lot. You can count on it before nap and before bed and at other random times of the day. Hud will say, "stars shining, mama" as he crawls into his bed, which is my cue to start singing it. Then he chimes in with me. It's really quite adorable. This morning we were eating breakfast and as usual Dulce and Willy Wonka were at our feet hoping for any crumbs that might fall on the floor (they're usually very lucky in this regard)....anyways, Hudson noticed that Dulce was laying down and he said, "Dulce sleeping" and then started singing "Stars Shining" to her.
Potty training is going well, though I'm told we may have a minor set back when Madeline arrives. I remain hopeful that we continue to progress in the right direction. Anytime Hudson uses the potty Scott and I will say, "I'm so proud of you, Hudson!!" and he gets really happy and runs around (often naked) yelling, "I did it! Hooray!! I did a pee-pee!!" Being home with Hudson (and 9 mos pregnant) I make a lot of trips to the potty myself, none of which are behind closed doors. Unfortunately, when you're home alone with a toddler, that's just the way it is sometimes. A few days ago Hudson saw me using the potty and came running into the bathroom and said, "I'm so proud of you, mama! You did a pee-pee!! Hooray!"

We had a similar discussion today in the bathroom--Scarlett cheered "Yeah, Mama! Now you get a treat."