Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

happenings and hoops

Yesterday we had a follow up appointment with Hudson's pediatric pulmonologist, and I am happy to report that he is doing well. We now begin to take medications away one at a time, thankfully. I am so glad!! We also learned some new stats- Hudson weighs 34 pounds and is 39 inches tall. That puts him in the greater than 90-95% for weight and greater than 97% for height! Was there any doubt he would be tall? I guess that's a good thing, you see he is OBSESSED (seriously obsessed) with HOOPS. "Shoot hoops, mama!" This morning immediately upon waking up, still in his pajamas he put his shoes on and said, "outside, shoot hoops, basketball" and promptly put on his shoes and headed for the door. Lookout NBA.

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