Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

42 days

Just 42 days to go until our little baby girl arrives!
On the one hand I feel like I have been pregnant forever. On the other hand, I'm still not ready! Regarding children though, are we ever really ready? I think the answer is no. I guess for most of us you're just as ready as you'll ever be when the time actually comes. I am so, so excited to meet our little girl (and see what she looks like! My guess is the complete opposite of Hudson- hey, maybe she'll look like us!?). I have to say, though...lately I'm feeling a little sad. Sad because our family dynamic, where it's just the three of us (okay the six of us if you include the pets) will be no more. My time with Hudson, as special as it has been (and as challenging as it has been lately) will never be the same again. It's been just the two of us for so long and I am sad that these days will soon only be a memory. I am so, so lucky to have had so much one-on-one time with the Hud and I will forever treasure it. While I think being home with your child is the hardest job there is, I am so glad that I've been able to do it. I feel very fortunate to be able to choose to stay home, and proud of myself for sticking with it (believe me, there have been days when I've considered the alternative). With only 42 days left, I am going to try my hardest to take advantage of every single minute of it, to take it all in, even the challenging moments...because it will never ever be this way again. I love you so much, little Hud-bug!

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