Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Off to school!

Hudson's first day went really well, although technically I'm not sure I'd count today as his first day. I was there the entire time. Tomorrow will be the real test. Hudson goes alone for 30 minutes. I think he's going to do great, and I am not worried about him at all. Me, well....yeah, I'm kinda worried about me (you probably picked up on that yesterday).

I was glad to see that Hudson remembered Sylvie immediately, they met way back in January! Sylvie is his "guide"- in the Montessori philosophy they don't use the word "teacher" since they aren't there to "teach" the children, they are there to simply "guide" the children. I really, really like their approach and am anxious to see how Hudson changes and grows in the time that he is there.

This morning I put Hudson's backpack on him and quickly took the photo above, as I knew the Hud would not want to wear his backpack for long. By the time we reached the car he was carrying it. Though he did put it back on when we got to school and he looked absolutely adorable walking up the steps into school.

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