Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I am so impressed with what Hudson has learned in his short time at Junius Heights Montessori. Every day at school they have snack time. The snack is always prepared by the children, served by the children, eaten by the children (obviously) and then cleaned up by the children. They do not wear bibs at school so that the children learn consequences of spilling and become more aware and careful when eating. They also use utensils and feed themselves. Last night the Hud decided he'd like breakfast for dinner, in these photos he's eating a yogurt all by himself, with no bib and a spoon (note that despite the mess all over his face, there is nothing on his shirt). Mommy is quite impressed with this development. He can also go get himself a kleenex and wipe his own nose and then throw the tissue away. I especially appreciated this maneuver. There are many other things going on at school that I like and I will keep you all updated. Hudson is starting to get used to school, though he continues to have a difficult time saying goodbye to mommy. He's there for two hours this morning, his longest day so far.

I took the images below yesterday morning before school. Last night Scott and I were looking at them in disbelief, the photo below in particular. Just look how grown up Hudson is now. It's just so hard to believe for his mommy and daddy. We're also dying to measure his height because he is towering over the other kids at school. It's no secret this kid is going to be tall, but it still surprises us when we see him next to the other kids.

And, finally....the Hud has some hair. It only took 21 months.

1 comment:

  1. Are you not LOVING the feeding with fork/spoon? SJ started actually using them a couple of weeks ago (though not as skillfully as Hudson--her shirts have taken quite the hit...) and I am LIVING THE DREAM! Hope nap times work themselves out with the school transition. That is no fun at all. We miss you guys.
