Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, September 9, 2011

It's a rare occassion, I know. A blog post without a photo. I thought I'd post an update on how things are going with school and realized once I arrived at my holding post, the Starbucks 30 seconds away from Junius Heights Montessori, I didn't have a way to load my here we go without a photo.

School continues to be difficult, and as I mentioned earlier this week it's going to take quite some time for the Hud to get used to it. I, on the other hand seem to be handling it much better than I thought I would. I'm now what one might consider a "regular" at this Starbucks. My new routine goes something like this: I drop off the Hud, he cries, I feel horrible, I drive down the street to Starbucks and wait...wait for my phone to ring. During the phase-in process the school will call you if your child cries for 15 minutes consecutively and ask you to come and pick up your child. Thankfully, that hasn't happened yet. Today Hudson is going for an hour and a half. It just passed the hour mark and no phone call yet. Whew. I am optimistic that this means he's feeling just a tiny bit more comfortable there and maybe he's even having a good time.

Once we get home, well that's another story. One word describes the new afternoon routine: disaster. Naps are basically now non-existent. Really. I wouldn't joke about something as serious as naps. Yesterday we didn't even get to 30 minutes. Yikes. I suspect what's going on here is a severe case of separation anxiety. At least that's what I'm guessing based on my trusty Sleep Easy Solutions sleep book. Now that Hudson has discovered that sometimes I do go away, he's fearful that every time I leave the room I've actually left him again and I might not come back.

Last night I returned to my old stomping grounds, the LAFCO store for a Fashion Night Out cocktail party (it was really fun and also great to get out of the house). I left the house before Hudson went to bed and Scott said Hudson had a really hard time after I left, crying, pointing at the door, looking out the window for me...breaks my heart to think that he thinks I've left and that I'm not coming back. I wish there was some way I could reassure him, and I do give it my best shot explaining to him that I'll be back, but he doesn't seem to want to hear it. I'm told he'll have a better understanding of this around age 2 when he can grasp the whole object permanance thing.... so, we're still a ways away.

In the meantime I'll just stick to my new routine and hope that Hudson starts to enjoy school and actually look forward to it. A mom can hope, right?

1 comment:

  1. Aww yay, Hudson is going to Junius Heights Montessor!? That was our first choice, especially since we live in Hollywood Heights now. Finn was accepted, but we ultimately had to go with another school because with Chris and I both working, we just couldn't make the schedule work, without an after care option. But we love the school and think Sylvie is amazing! I'm sure Hudson will love it soon :) -Bethany
