Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


School- so far, not so good.

Day 3, I accompanied Hudson to school again for 30 minutes. He was attached to me the entire time and looked scared to death that I might try to leave at any minute. This is going to be an especially difficult transition and adjustment. We realized this over the weekend when the Hud refused to let Scott hold him and instead insisted that I hold him constantly. I suspect it's because he got a small taste of what it's going to be like without me around and he didn't like it. Typically he's glued to Scott on the weekends and could care less if I'm even around.

Additionally, his naps have been a complete disaster since the transition began. We're talking 45 minutes at best this week where he was napping 2 hours pretty consistently. I am hopeful that things take a turn for the better, but fear it's going to be difficult for quite some time.

I've heard this age referred to as a very "turbulent time", a "mini-adolescence" and of course, "the terrible twos". Let's just say I now believe them all to be very accurate. I've been reading a lot about toddlers this age and the challenges we parents face as they struggle between their independence and ongoing need to be close to their parents. Looks like it's going to be a rough ride for a while, I guess we better buckle-up!

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