It was a sweltering hot Friday afternoon here in Dallas, the Hud and I had just finished our grocery shopping and were returning home for the afternoon. I began to unload the groceries and put them away while the Hud assisted me in the kitchen. I needed to make a quick trip out to the trash bin which is located on the side of our house, accessible via our front door, so I went quickly to the front of the house and out the front door. I do this often throughout the day, always closing the door behind me so that the dogs don't follow me out. I'm usually out and back before the Hud even realizes I've gone out, but Friday was different. The Hud had other plans for our afternoon.
Just as I turned around to go back inside, I heard the "click" of the door locking. I thought, surely I didn't just hear the door lock, but as I went to open the door I discovered that in fact, what I heard was the sound of the door locking. I was locked out! My little Hud-bug locked me out. No cell phone, no spare key, no windows that only hope was a neighbor with a phone and or the Hud unlocking the door. Try as I may, I could not get the Hud to unlock the door. So, I tried my neighbor. She didn't answer. Now I'm starting to panic. Hud is in the house alone....danger, danger, danger! All of the possibilties are running through my head of things that could happen to him in there unsupervised. It's 150 degrees outside, I'm burning up, worried sick and in a complete state of panic.
Thankfully, our trusty neighbor Marvin heard me trying to talk to the Hud through the locked door-I must've been talking pretty loud...and came running over to assist. From his cell phone I called Scott (who of course did NOT answer his phone, no surprise). So I wait a few minutes and call again. I mean, this really is what I would consider an actual emergency...I was contemplating actually breaking a window at this point!
I finally get Scott on the phone, he laughs (thanks for that, sweetheart) and says he's on his way. It's Friday afternoon, Labor Day weekend and traffic was a disaster, so it took Scott 30 minutes to get home.
Meanwhile, poor Hudson was so upset, he just couldn't understand why I was not coming back in the house. I could even hear him trying to unlock the door, but he just couldn't get it to work. It was very sad to see the Hud through the window with tears running down his face. Thankfully he was too upset to actually leave the window and get into trouble. He does know how to turn the oven on, move chairs over to beds and jump on them, climb on just about anything and the list of possiblities just goes on and on...
In the end, what ended up being a rather frightening situation turned out okay. I am so thankful he wasn't hurt. I know that this is a story that will be told for the rest of his life and it will be known by all Akins' as "the day Hudson locked Mommy out".
Yes,make that 2 Akins men laughing since all turned out well,needless to say. Wow, such good locking knowledge now if he had just a little unlocking education.