Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We're sick....again!

If you're wondering where we've been this week, well these pictures should say it all. We had a wonderful Christmas, but unfortunately, Santa brought me a horrible cold, which incidentally, I STILL have! It's been a rough week to say the least...I was in bed on New Year's Eve at 8PM. Poor Scott!! And, as if it wasn't bad enough having a sick, pregnant wife...Hudson gets sick. And I mean, really sick. We took him to the doctor yesterday (3rd time this month, we're setting records here...) and they told us he had a tummy bug. What does this entail? Nothing fun. He can't keep anything down, if he eats at all and he's just simply miserable. We spent a lot of time on the couch today watching Word World (Hud's favorite), trying to drink some "juice" (aka: pedialyte) and snuggling with George.

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