Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Yesterday I took Hudson to the doctor...again, yes, again...because his eyes have been really red and irritated, and he just doesn't look good. Apparently the eyes were nothing, but while there we discovered he has yet ANOTHER ear infection. Yes, another one. In the same ear! This makes three in the last 6 weeks. Since his pediatrician was out yesterday we had to see another doctor, so today I left a message for his doctor to call me, so we can try to figure out what's going on. Geez. I just don't understand why we can't get any answers. Can you tell I'm frustrated?

In other news, our home remodel project has begun. We're closing off our office and making it into a nursery. We're also remodeling the downstairs bathroom to include a bathtub for the kiddos. The demolition is tomorrow and things are about to get really crazy around here. Hudson and I are going to check into a hotel for a few days while they do the really loud stuff. I just wish we could snap our fingers and it would all be done, but it's never quite that easy. The project is supposed to be finished by mid-March, in plenty of time for baby #2's arrival, and I know it will all be worth it.

The dogs are both doing well. Willy Wonka is back to acting like himself. I came home this morning to find his lamp shade was missing. I suspect he and Dulce worked as a team to remove it. I found it outside buried under some leaves!! Yep, he's definitely back to himself. I bet he thought he was finished with the hat and that it would never be found buried out in the yard, but he's wrong. The doctor says he has to wear it for another week! Willy Wonka, we're going to have to watch you (and your partner in crime, Dulce!) very closely!

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