Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Yesterday was the most horrific day of my entire life.

Initially, I wasn't sure I'd want to write about it on the blog, why on earth would I share such a horrible experience with those of you who visit the blog to feel good and be happy? Those who stop by to read cheerful, upbeat stories about our lives as a family and see silly photos of us with Hudson as we experience life together. Well, this morning, I woke up a changed person, for what we experienced yesterday will forever change the way I see the world.

Let me first say, we are all okay.
We are all safe and sound.
We are all alive.
I am grateful.
29 hours ago I wasn't sure we would be.

Yesterday morning, around 8AM I mentioned that I wanted to take the dogs for a walk. It was nice outside, and I often worry that our dogs aren't getting the exercise they need. So, we loaded Hudson up for a walk in the stroller, put the dogs on their leashes and headed out. We walked the neighborhood for a good half an hour and then headed back home down our street.

We were about 5 houses down from our house when Scott and I noticed two off-leash pitbulls literally charging our way.


Utter complete panic set in.

What occurred after that is so horrific and so frightening, to tell every detail is just too much.

We, our dogs, were attacked. Thankfully, the pitbulls weren't interested in us, or Hudson. Thankfully, thankfully, thankfully...I can't say that enough. But they wanted our dogs, and they weren't backing down.

If you know me at all you know how much I love animals, how involved I am in animal rescue, and how our dogs ARE our children. There was no way we were going to leave our dogs there and run. After several minutes of complete horror and a fear I have never known, nor can I describe, Scott and I worked together to protect our dogs... screaming for help as loud as we could. I am sickened by the realization that Hudson had to witness this entire experience, just sickened. I don't know what we could have done to prevent that from happening, and all we can do is try to make sure he's okay, and we think he is.

After minutes that felt like hours of screaming, neighbors finally came to our assistance. While one neighbor was able to assist Scott in getting the one of the pitbulls off of Dulce and safely into his home, another helped me get Hudson and Willy Wonka down the street and safely into our home.

Police arrived several minutes later, as well as an ambulance, and finally animal control. Once the paramedics looked me over, we rushed Willy Wonka and Dulce to the Veterinary Hospital and then took me to the ER to make sure baby and I were okay (in the attack I was pushed to the ground twice in an effort to keep pitbulls off of Willy Wonka). Thankfully, baby and I are okay and though I am very bruised and sore, with scrapes all over my body, I AM ALIVE and so is every member of my family. I am grateful.

Both dogs are doing okay, but they have some recovering to do. Willy Wonka got the worst of it, and it breaks my heart to see him this way. He had several bite/puncture wounds to his hind quarters, one which required surgery yesterday afternoon. He is doing okay today, but has to wear a lampshade on his head and will be on pain medication and antibiotics for a while. While Dulce's injuries were less severe, she certainly didn't get away unharmed. She has several large puncture wounds which will need daily cleaning, and she has to wear a t-shirt around her torso to keep her from licking her wounds. She's also on pain medication and antibiotics. Please keep both Willy Wonka and Dulce in your thoughts as we help them heal from this horrific experience. I am so glad they are with us today.

As for the dogs who attacked us...we do not know where they came from, or who they belonged to. They did not appear to be strays, but they were on the streets alone, and did not have collars on. They were taken to the Dallas Animal Services shelter, and I am waiting to hear from one of my rescue contacts as to what their fate will be. It is my hope that they do not make it out of the shelter.

This morning I have been reflecting on this experience, asking all the "what-ifs", wondering if there was something we could have or should have done differently, worrying if Hudson will remember this horrible experience and forever be traumatized like us.... It is my belief that when something this traumatic happens in your life, there just has to be a reason; a lesson to be learned. Perhaps for me, that lesson was recognizing and realizing that my family is the most important thing in the entire world and as long as I have them, and they are all safe, then I need nothing else in life. I know now more than I ever have before that Scott and I would do whatever we had to to protect our family, that we would never abandon our beloved dogs to just fend for themselves, and that even if we as a family are met with the greatest fear we have ever known, somehow, someway, we will get through this together.

I am so incredibly grateful that we are all alive today.

Katy Trail Animal Hospital added this tag to Willy Wonka's collar yesterday. This brought me to tears.

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