Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

additon to yesterday's post

Note: if you haven't yet read yesterday's post, "survivors", you should read that first.

After reading my post yesterday, Scott felt that I did not accurately portray how much "fighting" he and I had to do with the two pitbulls attacking Willy Wonka and Dulce. I guess in my telling of the story I made it sound like we just stood there and screamed. We didn't. I was trying to spare everyone the horrific visuals that come with telling such a horrible story, but to be clear, it was a team effort which involved physical strength on both our parts. Thankfully, I was somehow strong enough to keep Willy Wonka clutched in my arms, despite being pushed and trampled on by a 90 pound male pitbull, and I still couldn't completely protect him, I'm so sorry Willy Wonka... Scott was miraculously strong enough to grab the 90 pound pitbull by the scruff of his neck and hold him that way for several minutes until neighbors could help get all of us to safety. If he had not done that, I don't know if either one of our dogs would be alive today. It was a fight. A brutal, terrible fight. We are both extremely sore, bruised and achy, but thankful to all be alive.

I am also, this morning filing a "dangerous dog" report in an effort to keep these dogs from harming anyone else. If their owners go looking for them at the shelter, they will be re-released to them. If Scott, Hud or I had been bitten in the attack, this would not be the case. I guess in the eyes of the law, dog's lives just aren't as important as human's. I want to make it my mission to get this changed. In the meantime, I am doing everything I can to deem the two dogs as dangerous, there may be a hearing in our immediate future. We'll keep you all posted.

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