Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

You might notice the shiner and/or goose egg on Hud's face/head. Poor kid. He's always got so many bruises/injuries/broken bones/what-not. We were at the park over the weekend and he took a header on the cement off of a 3 foot ledge. It was pretty awful, but it could have been way worse. In Hud's reenactment of this event, he fell....then, "crash, bang, crash!" He "broke" his head. This kid makes me laugh so much. Love him.

And this one! Total accident waiting to happen. Climbs on EVERYTHING! Is not afraid of ANYTHING! Will stand up in a grocery shopping cart, even when strapped in- I learned this the hard way yesterday. The child can not be trusted alone anywhere, not even for 10 seconds! I've got my work cut out for me. Seriously.

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