Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Last night Hudson's school had a work party, where the parents had the opportunity to work with the children in the classroom. Each child chose three activities to share with their parents. Hudson chose nomenclature (a favorite activity which he does every day), building a pyramid and the brownstones and pink blocks. It was really neat to see him in the classroom, interacting with the other kids. He was so proud of his work and I was so proud of him.

Maddie has been working on her 7th tooth for about two weeks now and it's been bumpy, to say the least. We're all hoping the tooth would make its way through already. In other news, she's still smiling.

And she can now do this completely on her own. By this, I mean, get out the giraffe, slide him around and then climb on him and scoot around on him, totally unassisted. She is a little daredevil and there is no stopping her no matter what.

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