Well, it's official. We've got a toddler, and I can prove it. We've got evidence everywhere. Let's start with the fact that our house constantly looks like it was hit by the "toy" tornado. They're everywhere. I mean everywhere. Mark my word, I will be injured by one or all of these toys as I constantly walk over, step on or trip on something that talks, blinks or rolls. We'll add in the fact that there are accidents and boo-boos daily, and plenty of accidents with PERMANENT evidence to boot. Yesterday the HUD got a hold of my coffee cup and poured it all over the table, two couches, our new area rug and 3 photo albums which were resting on said table. Note to self- coffee MUST be kept on kitchen counter going forward. This morning he opened up a kitchen cabinet and poured soap all over the floor. Thanks for your help with cleaning the house, HUD! He also grabbed a hold of a table lamp and pulled it to the floor, which now has a dented lamp shade. Just as I clean up one disaster he's already moved on to the next one. I think these toddlers should require two adult's supervision. One is simply not enough. We've got to up the ante on the toddler-proofing before something really serious happens. Since the HUD is now napping only once a day (an hour is the standard) that means I'm responsible for being with him for the other 11 hours of the day. There are no breaks, no brief walks into the other room, no showers, no nothing without the HUD coming along for the ride. I'm not so sure there's another one of these in our immediate future. I'm exhausted! But he sure is worth it, and doesn't he look cute in his new REI pants courtesy of Grandma Perdita and Grampa Bill???
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