Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, December 17, 2010


Just home from the doctor visit...poor Hudson had a rough time and was not a happy camper at all. Perhaps it was the total lack of sleep last night, combined with the fact that his appointment was at his usual naptime, then throw in the fact that he's sick and he's got some guy pokin' around on him while he sits there in his diaper only in the exam room. Talk about a bad start to the day...well, he is sick, but there's nothing they can do for him. He'll be taking tylenol, benadryl and mucinex for the next few days and we'll see how that goes.
As for the one year statistics you've all been waiting for- here they are...(drum-roll please).

Length- 32 3/4 inches, >95% for his age, so, in other words- he's off the charts again!
Weight- 27 pounds, 13 oz, >95% for his age, also off the charts again!

The doctor says he's looking good. We're going to go back next week for some routine bloodwork and a few vaccines, but other than that all went well at his check-up- with the exception of the aforementioned incidences...feel better little love-bug!

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