Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Cont'd.

I love my "rocking jaffy!"
See how happy it makes me?
Oh, that's my painting in the background,
mommy thinks there is Art in my future.

Mommy says I look "dapper" in this ensemble.
It was a gift from my grammy and grampy M.

I am really into my walking these days,
though I can't quite do it on my own yet...
(mommy says I took two steps by myself today
and daddy was there to see them!)
I'll walk holding on to anything!
And since I got this nifty push wagon
from my Aunt Alicia and Uncle Evan,
I'm pushin' this baby everywhere!

Thankfully it has a bumper!
I have a tendency to bump into things...

Here I am all bundled up for a walk
in Daddy's new jogging stroller.
It was COLD out there today,
so mommy put a lot of clothes on me.
I was warm, but I just don't know about this hat....

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