Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year from the HUD!

Why does my mommy insist on dressing me
in such ridiculously cute clothes?

I mean, just look at these baby blues in this sweater!!

And...I'm even cuter pushing around my wagon in it!
You guys should really take me somewhere to show it off...
may I suggest, the park??

I love the park!!
And I love practicing my walking skills with daddy at the park!

And swinging on the "big-boy" swing with daddy!

Now, where are all the ladies???
They'll find me irresistible in this sweater...

Wait, there's a little lady over there!

Hi little lady!
How you doin'????

Special thanks to Grammy and Grampa M
for my beautiful blue sweater!

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