Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Monday, April 1, 2013

We had such a great weekend..Spring has sprung and there is beauty everywhere! I love this time of year, you just can't help but be happy!

Hudson picks dandelions every day on the way to the park. When we get home he puts them in a vase on our kitchen table.

I have no idea how it happened, but he looks like he's 10 in this next photo. They are just growing up waaaaaaayyyyyy tooooooo faaaassssstttttt!!!!!!!

I mean, just look at our little pumpkin!!! She turned 10 months this weekend! I know a lot has happened in our lives since she came into the world, but gosh, it seems like I blinked and it's 10 months later. I am completely and totally smitten with my little girl. She could not be any cuter if she tried.

There was a lot of park time this weekend, and trust me, nothing makes the Hud happier.

At Kerry Park they have this awesome slide. Hudson loves it, and as it turns out, so did Scott and Maddie! I got lucky with this great photo, which I cropped so you could see their faces, but I posted the original below it so you could see how big the slide actually is.

And, this one is from Kerry Park yesterday. Mt Rainier continues to amaze us, it just doesn't even look real sometimes. It's funny, every time Hudson sees any mountain, he gets very excited and yells, "Mommy, there's Mt. Rainier!!" So cute.

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