Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Hudson and Madeline's cousin Scarlett came over to hang out with us today. Hudson was super excited to see her, and for me, seeing the two of them together is really, really fun. It's just smiles the whole time, it really is, and Madeline loved all the action, too.

Who knows what they're talking about here. Whatever it was, it was pretty funny, according to them anyways.

Lunchtime with the three of them (and Mr. Potato-head).

I can't recall what it was, but here, Scarlett is feeding Hudson something (pretend) over and over again. It never got old, apparently.

This was by far the funniest part of the afternoon. Note: first, the effort which is being applied to this activity. Second, the "team" effort which is being applied. Third, the serious determination going on here. And yet, it is important also to note that, first, they've got way too much play dough in this device to make it work even IF it was being used with the correct parts, and second, it's not being used with the correct parts, so....even with all of that teamwork, effort and determination, it was a fail. A big fat fail. Poor kids. I think they still had fun.

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