Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Saturday, April 13, 2013


I've taken some really cute pics of the Hud lately- these are a few of my favorites from this week:

Hudson still LOVES his books. He spends more time with books (by far) than with any toy he owns, even the train table. He has so many of them memorized that he reads them in his bed by himself before his nap (when he takes one) and before bedtime. When I went in to check on him the other day, this is how I found him. So, so cute.

Our neighbor is putting a new roof on his house and Hudson is loving all of the construction going on over there. He loves the workers, he loves to watch what they're doing and he asks a million questions about everything. Our neighbor is kind enough to fill him in on all the details and he even let Hudson wear his hat.

For quite some time Hudson has been insisting that he doesn't need a nap. I would say that's actually true about 10% of the time. Some days it's just not worth the battle, so often I'll ask him to just look at some books on my bed and wait for me while I put Madeline down for her nap. On friday, when I returned I found him asleep on my bed. He doesn't need a nap, eh? 

Today we were out and about when suddenly it starting hailing. We didn't know hail happened in Seattle and we're betting it's a fairly odd occurrence given the amount of people we saw outside taking pictures in it. Let me be clear, though...Hail in Seattle is nowhere near the size of hail in Dallas. At least it wasn't today. It did look like it snowed though and so, as you might imagine, Hudson broke out with Jingle Bells once again. Good grief, he makes me laugh. 

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