Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hudson is on spring break this week. On the one hand, it's been nice having him around. I miss him a lot in the morning, especially our one - on - one time together. On the other hand, it's really tough being here alone with both Hudson and Maddie. Our "schedule" has been off all week, naps are completely crazy, in fact Hudson hasn't napped all week and as a result, both kids went to bed at 6PM last night! It was nice having an entire evening to ourselves, but 5:45AM came along really, really fast. Anyways, it's been, how should I put this?....interesting....trying to come up with things to do around the house. Here's a little but of what we've been up to.

Maddie loves ice cream.
Chocolate ice cream to be exact.

This is what happened when Hud tried to put his own hair gel in.
HA! What a mess....

Even though he won't eat them, Hudson wanted to make red cupcakes.
So, daddy and I are now making our way through 2 dozen red velvet cupcakes.

Hudson is finally really enjoying his magna tiles. 

These two.
They have so much fun in their bath together. 

Our good little eater.

Our "getting better every day" little eater.
But still extremely picky.
Things are still "too spicy" or they "have crumbs" on them or in them
 and thus will not even be considered for consumption.

He loves going down on his tummy these days.

Pushing Maddie in the swing.
She LOVED it!

They both love the swings.
AND the SUN!

Hudson was in this position this morning and I said,
"What are you doing, Hud?"
He replied, "I'm doing push-ups just like my daddy."
The cutest. Absolutely the cutest thing ever!

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