By far the prettiest, sunniest, most spectacular weather week we've seen in Seattle, and we spent 99% of it INSIDE.
It all started Monday morning, when Maddie woke from her nap with a fever. With no other symptoms, I gave her some tylenol and her fever went away. So, later that day, after our afternoon naps, we headed out to the park in our new double stroller....
where Hudson did a lot of this:
And Maddie looked like this:
And, as you know, she almost always looks like this:
So, I knew something was wrong.
I told Hudson we needed to head home, we loaded up the stroller and headed back to the house. When we got there, I walked around to the front of the stroller and went to unbuckle Hudson when I noticed that Maddie was sort-of trembling. I knew she'd had a fever earlier, so I thought, maybe it was back and perhaps she just had the chills, but then I noticed her eyes weren't looking at me, they were just off somewhere, almost like she wasn't there, she was just gone...somewhere, and as I started calling her name, "Maddie, Maddie, Maddie!!" each time more frantically, I began to panic. I know, you're supposed to stay calm in these situations, but I have no idea how that's even possible. I couldn't get her to respond to me at all and it was getting more and more frightening. I called 911 and in a matter of minutes (which honestly felt like hours) the paramedics arrived. My poor little girl had a seizure, a febrile seizure.
It was horribly, horribly, scary! We took her to the Children's Hospital and 4 hours later...they said she would be fine.
The next four days she had a fever. A high, high, 104.4 degree fever, she would not let me put her down at all, not even to nap, and I just couldn't bear to even try, she was just so miserable and it absolutely broke my heart.
She basically looked like this the entire week:
The Hud was a big help, and a very, very good boy (most of the week).
We saw Maddie's pediatrician twice this week, where they ran several tests and everything was normal, thank goodness! It was a waiting game all week. Waiting to see when she'd get better. All week during the spectacular, lovely, beautiful, sunny weather.
Friday, finally, she got better. The fever broke and the sun went away.
Saturday it rained.
Sunday it rained some more.
We did get out for a bit this weekend, despite the usual Seattle gloom.
Hudson got to spend some time with his cousin, Scarlett, which is always fun for him.
And then today, at Hudson's request we took a ride on the bus. Everyone rides the bus in Seattle (which we actually think is pretty cool) and since we have a bus stop in front of our house, we see the bus coming and going all day long. So, today we did it. We took the bus downtown and the Hud LOVED it. Almost as much as the ferry! He told everyone that "we rode the city bus!" It was seriously, the highlight of the week. Next up is Ride the Ducks, which I have promised Hudson I would do with him. Scott refuses to go because he's too cool for Ride the Ducks, but I embrace the opportunity to do dorky, fun things with my child, even if it means I look like a tourist.
Maddie loved it, too. Frankly, I think she's just glad to have her smile back.
And, while downtown, Maddie got her very first pair of shoes! We are absolutely 100% positive that walking is in her very near future, so we felt it was time. Nordstrom took a commemorative photo of this milestone, and since Hudson's foot has grown, yet again, he got a new pair of shoes, too.
After a long, sad week, it was nice to get out, and I am so thankful that all is well again.