Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, January 4, 2013

Christmas Photos

It's seriously crazy here at the present moment.
Here's what you need to know- we're leaving in 12 days. YOWZA! So much still to do. The kids aren't sleeping, they must sense that something is going on. We're exhausted. Madeline is teething in earnest. Timing has been all around perfect with everything regarding this move (sarcasm). I'm trying very hard to see light at the end of the tunnel, but it is a challenge. Stress levels are high. BUT, we're Seattle bound and that's what matters! Eyes on the prize, people. Less than two weeks and counting.

Meanwhile, I managed to load the Christmas photos this morning, so here they are as promised.

"...the stockings were hung by the chimney with care..."

Hudson, Christmas morning

Walking out to see what Santa brought him

Santa brought him the train table he was hoping for, it was a hit!


Dulce and Maddie enjoying their "stocking stuffers" from Santa

Even kitkat had something fun in her stocking!
Thanks, Aunt Julie and Uncle Mike!

Teething and chewing on EVERYTHING!

Aunt Julie and Uncle Mike sent a Thomas the Train raincoat,
he's getting geared up for our new home!

More chewing, and sporting her new slippers! 

We had a white Christmas here in Dallas!

Hud loved the snow, and he's wearing his new rain/snow boots
 from Papa and Gramma!

Baby, it's cold outside!

With Daddy in the snow

I think I can go in now...

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