Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Well, the stress and exhaustion of moving across the country is catching up with all of us, as is evidenced by the photo below- which might just be my worst photo ever. Can you tell I'm tired? And, as a side note, I'm not sure my hair is digging the Seattle drizzly rain. I guess I need to get used to the disheveled look.

The dogs made it up to Seattle yesterday, gosh we really missed them! It's so nice to have them back with us. Now our family is complete again.

Could this little face be any cuter, I mean, really?!

Really, really?!?!? How can you not smile looking at this face?

Or this one for that matter. 

Somehow the Hud ended up with a bedroom with a view.
This is the view out of his window.
See that little bit of water there kind-of in the middle of the photo?
Yeah, that's just the Puget Sound. Nothin' special. 

Our sweet pups.
Wet, very wet, muddy paws are in our future.
And it's worth it.
These are some AWESOME dogs.

Gloomy weather and all, it sure is a beautiful- stunningly beautiful- city, this Seattle.

At Pike's place market with my dear friend, Maggie who drove Scott's car
with Willy Wonka and Dulce in tow all the way from Dallas to Seattle.
What an amazing friend.

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