Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

First Day

It was our first full day in Seattle, we took our time getting up- which was SO NICE after many, many days of rushing out the door to get on the road as fast as humanly possible. We drove around our new neighborhood and learned that within a few blocks- an easy walking distance- is a yoga studio (YIPPEE!), a coffee shop (shocker, I know) and a spa (yes, a spa- as in mani/pedi, massage/facial)- DOUBLE YIPPEE!! WE LOVE our new neighborhood, I mean LOVE it. It could not be cuter. Also within walking distance are small local little shops- bakeries, hardware stores, grocery stores, tons of adorable little restaurants, a plethora of yoga studios, little league baseball fields, parks, and coffee. I mean lots and lots and lots of coffee. We're in love. Someone pinch us!

The pics below were taken in our vacant rental house, they aren't great, but they're still pretty cute.
Furniture arrives tomorrow, we should be living there on Wednesday.

This one was in a local diner we had a late breakfast at today. Hud isn't into smiling for the camera anymore. Ah, independence. Sometimes you love it, sometimes you don't.

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