Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Yesterday when Madeline and I were out and about a few people thought she was a boy. Ok, come on, people...she's wearing PINK! I swore I would never be the mom that put those hideous giant floral things on her head (sorry if I'm offending anyone who actually likes those things), but I guess I'm going to have to resort to her wearing something (other than pink) that let's people know that she is in fact a "she" and NOT a "he". It's funny, when Hudson was a baby everyone thought he was a girl and now that I have a girl, everyone thinks she's a boy! Well, I'm off to buy some bows for my little girl...sorry, I still refuse to put one of those flowers on her head. Here are some pics from the last few days (Hudson has become nearly impossible to get photos of).

1 comment:

  1. I remember thinking the same thing...the pink isn't enough of a clue? At this age we're losing hair accessories right and left!
