Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Monday, September 24, 2012

A little bit from our weekend

Lesson learned from the weekend: it's still really hard to get out of the house as a family. If you attempt to do so, you may end up with a grumpy toddler, and an overtired, fussy, crying baby.

Madeline still strongly dislikes her car seat and cries when you simply put her in it (and continues to do so the entire time she's in it unless she falls asleep, which is highly unlikely). We're thinking about purchasing car seat #3 for Madeline, it's that bad, folks. Yes, it is that bad.

This is a dark pic, but really cute if you can see it....Refusing to fall asleep at a reasonable hour last night, Maddie hangs out with daddy.
Venturing out, Southlake town square.
Hud still enjoys "holding" Madeline
Swim class Saturday morning
A trip to the park with mommy, a little quality time for the two of us
Hud had his first lollipop this weekend, it was....interesting....
More swim
At the park
More lollipop
Southlake town square
The bumblebee
Hud is a champ at floating. Seriously. They use him as examples in the class he's so good at it!
Resting. Kind-of.

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