Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The weather and a fussy face

I don't say this often, but it's beautiful here in Dallas.

Ugh, Dallas.

Well, like it or not, there is no denying that it has really, really been beautiful. Since Madeline still naps so frequently (worth noting, she still sleeps in 30 minute increments, but it's ALL DAY LONG, you forget these things once you're past them) it's tough to really do anything and with this weather I really feel like we should be out enjoying it! So, yesterday we hung around in the back yard for a little while and took in some fresh air.

Of course, even after we installed a VERY expensive mosquito mister AND our neighborhood was aerial sprayed TWICE for west nile virus, I ended up with three mosquito bites in 10 minutes (at 2:30 in the afternoon, mind you), so we went inside.

Ugh, Dallas.

I am VERY optimistic that we will not be calling Dallas "home" for the rest of our lives and we can say "good riddance, mosquitos!" once and for all. Fingers crossed.

Gosh, I love this little girl!
And, this very handsome little boy who makes me proud every single day.
And, just in case you're thinking it's always like this around here...

It's not. Even the best babies have their moments.

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