Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, September 21, 2012

Another week of parenthood

I'm the first to admit that parenting can be challenging, even frustrating at times, but I have to say, honestly, this is the happiest I've ever been in my life. I am thankful every single day for my wonderfully amazing friend and husband, my two beautiful, healthy children and a heart that is filled with love. Sappy, I know. I can't help myself lately, life is GOOD.

This is happening WAAAAAYYYY too fast. Where did my infant go?
She is almost always smiling, love this little girl.
This is how she looks first thing in the morning, who wouldn't love waking up to this?
Yes, I'm totally serious, as usual.
AND, when did I become this little boy, again, happened too fast!
I think she's going to be an early crawler, walker and talker. Mark my word.

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