Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Thursday, September 6, 2012

This morning as I kissed Hudson goodbye, he said, "Mom, don't forget to feed the baby!"

Thanks for the reminder, sweetheart! Pretty sure I won't forget. He's so cute and he says and does things like that every day. Those little things are my favorite part of being a mom. Little things, simple things, that make you smile and give your heart joy. 

So, Madeline is 3 1/2 months already! I can't believe how fast it's flown by. I never even had a chance to post after her 2 month visit! Well, to bring you up to speed, Madeline is HUGE. I mean, HUGE! She was bigger than Hudson was at his 2 month visit, in the 95% for height and >95% for weight, and that was a month and a half ago. No one believes me when I tell them she's only 3 1/2 months old, and in fact, most people tell me she looks like their daughter did at age 1. Well, what can I say? Apparently, Scott and I make BIG babies!

 I took the photo below yesterday. In it, Madeline is wearing a size 12 month outfit. I must disclose that baby clothes sizing is completely inconsistent, for the most part she is in 6 month clothing, but in things that run small, well it's a size 12 month for this little chub! But she sure is a cute little chub! Gosh, I just love this little girl!

So here are some things we have learned about Maddie in her first 3 1/2 months of life-

1. Being held 
2. eating (obviously) 
3. bath time
4. her daddy 
5. her big brother 
6. the dogs, especially Dulce who kisses (ok, licks) her all the time and she smiles! 
7. Sophie the giraffe
8. kicking her feet 
9. sleeping on her tummy 
10. being bounced (but you must be standing, you may not sit while bouncing her)
11. the swing, but only for short cat naps, which is her preference anyways
12. interaction and smiling, she is going to be very outgoing (see photo below)

1. the car seat (VERY STRONGLY dislikes, see photo below)
2. riding in the car (unless asleep, which is rare)
3. the bottle (will not under any circumstances take a bottle from anyone- which means mommy can not be away from her for more than 2 hours at any given time, more on this at a later time)
4. pacifiers
5. putting clothes on post bath
6. napping longer than 35 minutes at a time (must have inherited this one from her brother!)

1 comment:

  1. love that carseat picture :-) i think it's great to have some photos of the ACTUAL day to day!
