Did you hear about the baby who stayed awake from 11PM-7AM?
Well, here she is.
To be fair, it's not her fault.
It's his.

(well, kind-of)
You see, the Hud picked up a nasty, nasty cold with a horrible croup-sounding cough sometime last week and just a matter of days later, Maddie had picked it up too. The worst part is, she can't take anything except Tylenol, which doesn't do much for a cold. Poor thing. So, last night was the worst night we've had, even worse than her newborn nights. She literally would not sleep for about 8 hours straight. Thankfully, Scott is able to function on much less sleep than me, and typically handles these situations better than I do, so thanks to him, we got thru it...but we're all exhausted. Scott and I are convinced that just about the time they're both feeling better, we'll be getting sick. I hope we're wrong and I REALLY hope Madeline sleeps tonight.
On a side note, Madeline had her 4 month check-up on Friday and her stats are RIDICULOUS. She weighs 17 pounds, 2 ounces, greater than 95%. She is 26 1/4 inches long, also greater than 95%. At Hudson's 4 month check up he weighed 18 pounds and was 26 inches long. He was obviously also greater than 95%. Geez. We've got some big kids on our hands. Hudson already comes up to my waist and he's not even 3!!!
Here are a few of my favorite pics from this week.
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Our little boy is so handsome! |
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Love. Just love for these two babies! |
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And again. Love! |