Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Did you hear about the baby who stayed awake from 11PM-7AM? 
Well, here she is.

To be fair, it's not her fault. 

It's his.


(well, kind-of)

You see, the Hud picked up a nasty, nasty cold with a horrible croup-sounding cough sometime last week and just a matter of days later, Maddie had picked it up too. The worst part is, she can't take anything except Tylenol, which doesn't do much for a cold. Poor thing. So, last night was the worst night we've had, even worse than her newborn nights. She literally would not sleep for about 8 hours straight. Thankfully, Scott is able to function on much less sleep than me, and typically handles these situations better than I do, so thanks to him, we got thru it...but we're all exhausted. Scott and I are convinced that just about the time they're both feeling better, we'll be getting sick. I hope we're wrong and I REALLY hope Madeline sleeps tonight. 

On a side note, Madeline had her 4 month check-up on Friday and her stats are RIDICULOUS. She weighs 17 pounds, 2 ounces, greater than 95%. She is 26 1/4 inches long, also greater than 95%. At Hudson's 4 month check up he weighed 18 pounds and was 26 inches long. He was obviously also greater than 95%. Geez. We've got some big kids on our hands. Hudson already comes up to my waist and he's not even 3!!! 

Here are a few of my favorite pics from this week.

Our little boy is so handsome!

Love. Just love for these two babies!
And again. Love!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Tricycle

I remember when we bought Hudson's tricycle. He wasn't even close to knowing how to ride it, we were clearly ahead of the game. Fast forward to present day and he's a tricycle riding pro! He is SO fast on this thing and he often "crashes" it, usually on purpose and then says, "I spun out!". I blame Lightening McQueen for the crashing and spinning out, but I guess ultimately it's my fault for letting him watch Cars in the first place. I say it all the time, he is such a little boy and I just don't know where three years have gone. I had no idea time could fly by so quickly when you have kids, but it does. Way, way too quickly.

"spinning out"

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I usually only nap for 30 minutes at a time, but I always look like this when you come to get me up.
When I'm awake I almost always look like this- unless you put me in my car seat.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A little bit from our weekend

Lesson learned from the weekend: it's still really hard to get out of the house as a family. If you attempt to do so, you may end up with a grumpy toddler, and an overtired, fussy, crying baby.

Madeline still strongly dislikes her car seat and cries when you simply put her in it (and continues to do so the entire time she's in it unless she falls asleep, which is highly unlikely). We're thinking about purchasing car seat #3 for Madeline, it's that bad, folks. Yes, it is that bad.

This is a dark pic, but really cute if you can see it....Refusing to fall asleep at a reasonable hour last night, Maddie hangs out with daddy.
Venturing out, Southlake town square.
Hud still enjoys "holding" Madeline
Swim class Saturday morning
A trip to the park with mommy, a little quality time for the two of us
Hud had his first lollipop this weekend, it was....interesting....
More swim
At the park
More lollipop
Southlake town square
The bumblebee
Hud is a champ at floating. Seriously. They use him as examples in the class he's so good at it!
Resting. Kind-of.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Another week of parenthood

I'm the first to admit that parenting can be challenging, even frustrating at times, but I have to say, honestly, this is the happiest I've ever been in my life. I am thankful every single day for my wonderfully amazing friend and husband, my two beautiful, healthy children and a heart that is filled with love. Sappy, I know. I can't help myself lately, life is GOOD.

This is happening WAAAAAYYYY too fast. Where did my infant go?
She is almost always smiling, love this little girl.
This is how she looks first thing in the morning, who wouldn't love waking up to this?
Yes, I'm totally serious, as usual.
AND, when did I become this little boy, again, happened too fast!
I think she's going to be an early crawler, walker and talker. Mark my word.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The weather and a fussy face

I don't say this often, but it's beautiful here in Dallas.

Ugh, Dallas.

Well, like it or not, there is no denying that it has really, really been beautiful. Since Madeline still naps so frequently (worth noting, she still sleeps in 30 minute increments, but it's ALL DAY LONG, you forget these things once you're past them) it's tough to really do anything and with this weather I really feel like we should be out enjoying it! So, yesterday we hung around in the back yard for a little while and took in some fresh air.

Of course, even after we installed a VERY expensive mosquito mister AND our neighborhood was aerial sprayed TWICE for west nile virus, I ended up with three mosquito bites in 10 minutes (at 2:30 in the afternoon, mind you), so we went inside.

Ugh, Dallas.

I am VERY optimistic that we will not be calling Dallas "home" for the rest of our lives and we can say "good riddance, mosquitos!" once and for all. Fingers crossed.

Gosh, I love this little girl!
And, this very handsome little boy who makes me proud every single day.
And, just in case you're thinking it's always like this around here...

It's not. Even the best babies have their moments.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Yesterday when Madeline and I were out and about a few people thought she was a boy. Ok, come on, people...she's wearing PINK! I swore I would never be the mom that put those hideous giant floral things on her head (sorry if I'm offending anyone who actually likes those things), but I guess I'm going to have to resort to her wearing something (other than pink) that let's people know that she is in fact a "she" and NOT a "he". It's funny, when Hudson was a baby everyone thought he was a girl and now that I have a girl, everyone thinks she's a boy! Well, I'm off to buy some bows for my little girl...sorry, I still refuse to put one of those flowers on her head. Here are some pics from the last few days (Hudson has become nearly impossible to get photos of).

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Cute kids

These are some CUTE kids if I do say so myself!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Our babies at 3 months

Scott and Hudson (3 1/2 months)

Scott and Madeline (3 and 1/2 months)
Shelley and Hudson (3 months)
Shelley and Madeline (3 1/2 months)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Conversation with Madeline

Madeline and I have been spending a lot of quality time together, just the two of us and it's been so wonderful. I remember these days with Hudson and they just went by so, so fast... so I'm taking time to just enjoy my little girl every single day. She is such a sweet, happy baby and she's very vocal, which is so different from Hudson at this age. Already we're seeing proof that no two babies are anything alike.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Throughout our day we think about and miss daddy, a lot. So, we send him pics like these to let him know we're thinking about him and can't wait to see him when he comes home. We took these yesterday.

If this isn't indicative of their personalities...