Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

thank you, daddy!

It goes without saying that I missed my boys this weekend, but Scott and Hudson had a fun weekend together and everything went great while I was away! I wish I could say I didn't think about them every 5 minutes, but I did. It was nice for me to get away, I had so much fun with my sister (who I miss every single day, and wish didn't live so far away!), but it definitely made me appreciate the wonderful life I have back home. I am so lucky that I am able to stay home with Hudson and spend so much time with him as he grows and changes so quickly! This is such precious time which I am so grateful to have with him. I posted some pictures from this morning on an earlier blog post. He's standing up all over the house, on everything he can and I am convinced he'll be walking very soon! I guess it's time to take the bug shoe-shopping!

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