Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pretty Boy?

Yesterday while Hudson and I were out and about, someone said to me, "what a pretty little girl!"...Huh? He's wearing navy blue and gray (adorable outfit courtesy of gramma and grampa M)...hmmm....I must have looked at her funny because then she said, "it is a girl, right?". I said, "no, he's a little boy." She said, "oh, well he's such a pretty boy!". We get this a lot. I guess it's a compliment, so we'll take it. Though I don't think Hud is gonna like being a called a "pretty boy" as he gets older. I must admit, I do think he's an adorable baby, so I can see where they are coming from....
You might notice two things from this post that are new. One- Hud is standing on his own- okay, well he's got a little help from the ottoman, but I don't have to hold onto him anymore and he'll stand there for a long time perfectly content with his hand in his mouth (of course). And two- we re-vamped our living room in an effort to make it more "baby friendly". We're really happy with both of these developments.

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