Yippee! Hudson has completed his DOC Band treatment, so no more helmet!! We are so glad that we decided to do it, Hudson has made significant improvements and overall we couldn't be happier! We were contemplating a second DOC Band over the last few weeks, visited with our pediatrician about it, and talked at great length about whether or not we wanted to do a second one, and ultimately decided against it. At our graduation visit, even our Cranial Technologies consultant said she thought we were making the right decision. If there were to be any improvements with a second band, they would be
very minor and there was a big chance we'd be disappointed. Hudson's head looks great! I tried taking some photos of it, but as you can see there is no slowing down for the camera these days! He's still moving around like crazy! Where this kid gets his energy is beyond me! You'd think all the moving around would make him so tired he'd nap for hours...not this kiddo! Half an hour twice a day is all I need! (yawn). On another note, Hudson picked up his second cold this week and has been feeling pretty yucky. His pediatrician said we could give him Benadryl at nap time and bedtime - it's supposed to make him tired and the Dr. said he'd sleep longer. Yeah, right. You don't know Hudson. Even with a dose of Benadryl this kid only sleeps half an hour (again, yawn). He decided to share his cold with mom and dad, too. Thanks, Hud. We're all feeling a bit better today though and are on the up and up. Dallas is having beautiful Fall weather, and it won't last long so we're hoping to get out and enjoy it while it's here.
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