Hudson has gained a new sense of independence with his recent ability to crawl around on his own. He's waaayyyyy too busy to stop and visit with mommy. Unless of course he bangs into something and then of course, it's mommy to the rescue! Although he regularly takes a break to pet Dulce or play with kitkat. Both of whom are extremely tolerant of Hudson's aggressive manner.
He's changing so much and I'm amazed at how much of a little person he is now. His personality is really starting to show and boy is he persistent! Some may say strong-willed, earnest, tenacious, unwavering....Scott likes to say "pigheaded", but I'm not very fond of that term. Call it what you like, this little boy is serious and determined. Wonder where he gets that? Hmmm...
Hudson is also talking up a storm! Favorite words are "ya, ya, ya, ya" and "a-ga, a-ga, a-ga" and occasionally he'll slip in a "da-da" on you. Although it's not directly at da-da, we still like to think he might intend for it to be.
I took these photos at the park yesterday where we met another little boy named Hudson. This is the second Hudson we've met at this park which leads me to believe Hudson is becoming a very trendy name. Boo!!! Exactly what we were trying to avoid. Oh-well, what can you do?
While at the park yesterday Hudson was once again mistaken for a girl. Really? I mean, look at him? I see all BOY. But, it's time to get serious now. We're shifting our wardrobe choices. All trucks, tractors, lizards and such from here on out. We're gonna look tough. And if he still gets mistaken for a girl, well....I just don't know. What can I say, he is a "pretty boy."
Everyone loves his eyes, too. He gets so many compliments on his beautiful blue eyes! Then people look at me and say, "oh, he must look like his daddy!" Ummm, no. We don't know where those eyes came from, but we're glad he has them. They sure are beautiful!
Happy 10-month birthday my little Hud-Bug. We love you so!!!!!
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