Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010


If Hudson wants something, he's going after it. In this case, it was the camera...once again.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

morning cheerios

Just hangin' out eatin' some cheerios....

Wait a minute...what's going on over there?

Oh, it's just the cat, she makes me so happy!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

lookin' like daddy

mommy thinks I'm looking more and more like my daddy every day

Monday, October 25, 2010

hot wheels

I'm all "boy" in my new Hot Wheels t-shirt!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


this last image is a self-portrait, in other words...
it's what happens when Hud gets a hold of the camera.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

thank you, daddy!

It goes without saying that I missed my boys this weekend, but Scott and Hudson had a fun weekend together and everything went great while I was away! I wish I could say I didn't think about them every 5 minutes, but I did. It was nice for me to get away, I had so much fun with my sister (who I miss every single day, and wish didn't live so far away!), but it definitely made me appreciate the wonderful life I have back home. I am so lucky that I am able to stay home with Hudson and spend so much time with him as he grows and changes so quickly! This is such precious time which I am so grateful to have with him. I posted some pictures from this morning on an earlier blog post. He's standing up all over the house, on everything he can and I am convinced he'll be walking very soon! I guess it's time to take the bug shoe-shopping!

conversations with kitkat that kitkat I see in the window?

I must go say good morning to her!

Hi, kitkat! How are things looking outside this morning?

Oh, yes...that's very interesting....what's that you say? Play with you? Okay!

I love playing with Kitkat! She's my favorite!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

standing up

Yesterday Hudson achieved yet another big milestone...he can stand up all by himself now! When I walked in to get him up from his nap, there he was standing in his crib looking right at me and smiling. Unfortunately this new achievement does not help us much in the napping department since he automatically associates his crib with practice time now.

Also, I've hestitated to mention this for fear of jinxing it, but his naps have actually lengthened over the last few weeks, and I am very optimistic that this is a new trend for him. Yesterday was his best nap day so far, with an hour and 20 minute nap in the morning and an hour and 35 minute nap in the afternoon. Wow! I actually had to go in and check on him because I was worried. Sad, I know, but this kid's usual nap is 35-40 minutes, so naturally I was worried. I am REALLY enjoying this new development and keeping my fingers crossed that it continues! I can't believe how much I was able to accomplish in the time I had while he napped- a different world- truly!

On another note, Daddy is taking charge this weekend while I head off to Las Vegas to meet my sister for the weekend (daddy was insistent that I take a weekend off, what an AMAZING husband I have!). This will be the first time I've been away from Hudson for more than a few hours, so yes I am VERY nervous about it. Though I know his daddy will take good care of him, and I think they'll actually have a fun weekend - just the two of them. Maybe daddy will even post to the blog??

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ga-ga, da-da, ya-ya

Here I am talking up a storm....

Sunday, October 10, 2010


We spent the afternoon at the Arboretum. It was a beautiful day and Hudson enjoyed it. These are a few of my favorites, but there were so many great photos from today that I've uploaded them all to snapfish. I think you have to create an account to view them, but it's free. Click here to see all of the pics. Enjoy!

An afternoon at the Zoo

Me and my daddy checking out the monkeys

I like the zoo!

learning about elephants

and lions, too!

and a real life Sophie!!!

A few lessons learned from our first trip to the zoo:
1.) You'll be there MUCH longer than you think you will, 2). Don't wear flip-flops. Sneakers are a much better choice, 3.) Bring your own food. Food at the zoo is expensive, not very healthy and also not very good.