Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, December 12, 2014

Oh, Christmas Tree, oh Christmas Tree..

Last weekend we made the trek out to Seabeck to cut down some Christmas Trees. Uncle Paul drove us there with his tractor and Maddie as his co-pilot. The kids had so much fun and so did we. We've said it many times, family is everything and it's times like this that really make that true. Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Saturday, November 1, 2014


A few months ago (yes, months) Scott took the kids to Costco to buy their Halloween costumes. Truth be told, he'll look for any excuse to head to Costco. He could spend hours there, not to mention every bit of our savings.

After perusing the Halloween costume choices, Snow White and Red Ranger were the winning picks. Neither child had any trouble making their decision. There were several practice events, trying on their costumes, and rehearsing "trick-or-treat".

Both kids enjoyed wearing their costumes to school last week and looked forward to wearing them again for Halloween night and trick-or-treating. We had friends join us at our house before walking up to Queen Anne Avenue where all of the stores and restaurants passed out candy. The kids had a blast and their costumes were a hit. With all the Elsas walking around I think Snow White was an especially big hit, complete with her infectious and contagious smile. Hudson sported his mask for about 20 minutes and then decided life was better with it off.

Despite the signs that said "One piece per child, PLEASE",  Maddie left with handfuls and no one seemed to care. Hudson, being the picky eater he is, took the extra time required to make darn sure he got no chocolate in his stash.

It was a really fun Halloween and I look forward to the many left to come.

In this last pic, Hudson and Maddie sample their first "treat" of the night.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Fire Safety Day at School

Today was "Fire Safety Day" at School. Hudson and Maddie have been talking about fire safety at school for over a week now. We've been given all of this second-hand knowledge on staying safe, stop-drop-and-rolling, making 911 calls, etc.,  little by little and then today…well, today...the fireman showed up! Firetruck and all!

How "cool" these things are when you're 2, 3, 4, 5…this was an awesome day for all.

Oh, and although I was not able to get a photo-

Of the 20+ kids who attend WCLC, ages 2 1/2-6, Maddie was the ONLY one who stepped right up to try on the fireman's coat. This FEARLESS girl reminds me so much of myself she makes me smile every day. Oh, how she fills my heart with joy. They BOTH make me so proud and I am continuously grateful to be their mommy.


Friday, October 10, 2014


Maddie should not be given chalk...

...and Hudson should not be in charge of choosing his own Halloween costume.

Friday, September 26, 2014

It's been incredibly busy around here lately and I have not been able to find the time (or energy) to share anything on the blog. I thought that once Maddie joined Hudson at school a few days a week I'd be able to get so much done, but those precious few hours each week are jam-packed with a mixture of things I have to do (dentist, grocery shop)  and things I just want to do (pedicure, yoga). Such dilemmas, I know…Until my "free time" frees up, I'll just share some photos from this week.

This little girl is just sunshine. Sunshine everywhere she goes. She's the happiest person I know. Except when she's not happy. Life's rough when you're 2.

Water balloons. A bucket full of water balloons which took a valuable 20 minutes of my day to make. Gone in less than two minutes. 23 water balloons. Followed by, "mom, we need more please!!"

Let the fun begin...

I'm sure the neighbor loves us. (don't worry, no water balloons crossed over that fence. whew!)

Sadly, Willy Wonka desperately wanted to play catch with the water balloons, but each time he tried to pick it up with his month, it popped all over him. I'm not sure he'll ever play catch again. Who can trust those things, anyways?

Post nap cuddle time "selfie". 

And finally, if you've ever wondered how one becomes a complete sports fanatic…well, here's one in the making. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Yoga & Chocolate

Hudson started a yoga class on Thursday. Hmmmm...I wonder who's idea that was?

So, Maddie and I had to find something to do with our 45 minutes of free time. Let's see....gelato? Perhaps Chocolate gelato? Is there any question who's idea that was?



Thursday, September 11, 2014

Two little monkeys...

Yep. Two little monkeys. What more can I say?

Friday, September 5, 2014

First day of Freedom (I mean, school...) oh, and Football

Five days before Maddie was born I remember thinking, this is my last four hours of freedom for two+ years...then...I dropped Hudson off for school at 9 months pregnant with Maddie.

Those two years really are quite blurry. A lot happened and it happened fast. Then this morning, suddenly, it was here. I was so excited at the thought of just a few hours of freedom. A few hours of quiet time, do-what-I-want-to shop alone time, sip coffee slowly time, walk the dogs, excercise, breathe air time...go to yoga time, oh, I could go on and on...

And, while all of this is desirable, even sought after, I found myself looking back at two empty car seats thinking, I kinda miss them a little. A little a little.

I find consistently, when they go, I want them back, I miss them. While I think taking breaks, finding time for me is important, my kids are everything right now, and it's hard to understand moments without them. As much as they need me, some days I think- maybe I need them more.

And, Seahawks Monday night football, NFL SEASON OPENER- a special "stay-up late" night with daddy, because, well, because he took a nap. At age 4 1/2, this is truly, at least according to his parents, a victory, for all involved. It really is. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


I just can not understand how these two have grown this much so fast. I know, I know... I say it all the time, but it just continues to baffle me. It's too fast and yet, let's be honest, on some days, not fast enough. Posting this and looking at theses photos, well, it's just happening way too fast for my liking. The fact is, they're not babies anymore, and I miss my babies.

Also troublesome is the fact that I have two very coordinated, very interested, very fearless (well, one anyway) kids and it scares me. Admittedly, I do have some trouble letting go, letting them just go and do these things, you know, without first wrapping them head to toe in bubble wrap (I'm gonna be a mess in the teenage years, I'm prepping way ahead of time for that).

Really, I just want to keep them close and keep them safe as long as I can. Letting them go further and further everyday...well, I just don't know how I feel about that...guess I'm gonna have to get used to it.

And...true to form, right before snapping this one I said, "Maddie, please do NOT ride thru the puddle..."

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Two. Terrible two, how I dislike you...

When you're two...well, I'll just say this- meltdowns happen. Frequently. 277 days remain. And counting...

Thursday, August 21, 2014


It's been a long time coming, but the kiddos finally have bikes.

You might notice, in addition to the smiles, that Maddie is not afraid, not intimidated (or otherwise) of Hud's bike. Note: she also doesn't mind riding bikes in her pajamas. I predict major injuries. Soon. The child is fearless!

Hudson will have training wheels for probably two days. I'm not sure why we even got them.
He is super coordinated, highly motivated and...Scott is his dad. Need I say more?

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014


I have talked about this so many times, and yet, it still fascinates me. How is it possible that time can go so quickly when you have kids? I don't know how it happens, one day you're at the park wearing your baby in an Ergo, the next they're toddling around fearlessly as you guard their every move and then, suddenly, they don't need you anymore. I mean, they need you, but, well…you know what I mean.

Maddie can climb everything, cross rope bridges, slide down really, really big slides, climb trees, and hang with the 4 year old boys.

I've been told many times that both of our kids are "extremely well-coordinated" for their ages, yes, I am bragging a bit, but not because they get it from me. It's all Scott on that inherited trait. The lack of fear may come from me, and perhaps the tomboy in Maddie comes from me, but the physical abilities, well, that's Scott. Plain and simple.

And the height. For crying out loud, the height. Everyone thinks Hudson is 6 and Maddie easily passes for 3+. This is also (obviously) not my genetic contribution. People are literally shocked, and by shocked I mean, jaw-on-the-floor with "OH MY GOD!" expression on their faces when I tell them, "Maddie is 2" as she stands towering over their 3 1/2 year old and, "Hudson is 4" as he easily passes for one of the 6-7 year olds playing at the park. I worry that this discrepancy could cause problems down the road as people's expectations grow of them, assuming they are older than in fact they are.

I suppose this is a good problem to have, so for now I'll just enjoy them- coordinated, fearless and tall.

P.S. This last image is not Hudson demonstrating his stellar ballet moves, it is however, Hudson demonstrating his "Power Ranger" moves, which is yet another reminder that he is growing up waaaaaaaayyyyy too fast for my liking. Power Rangers???!!!!!???? ALREADY????