Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, September 26, 2014

It's been incredibly busy around here lately and I have not been able to find the time (or energy) to share anything on the blog. I thought that once Maddie joined Hudson at school a few days a week I'd be able to get so much done, but those precious few hours each week are jam-packed with a mixture of things I have to do (dentist, grocery shop)  and things I just want to do (pedicure, yoga). Such dilemmas, I know…Until my "free time" frees up, I'll just share some photos from this week.

This little girl is just sunshine. Sunshine everywhere she goes. She's the happiest person I know. Except when she's not happy. Life's rough when you're 2.

Water balloons. A bucket full of water balloons which took a valuable 20 minutes of my day to make. Gone in less than two minutes. 23 water balloons. Followed by, "mom, we need more please!!"

Let the fun begin...

I'm sure the neighbor loves us. (don't worry, no water balloons crossed over that fence. whew!)

Sadly, Willy Wonka desperately wanted to play catch with the water balloons, but each time he tried to pick it up with his month, it popped all over him. I'm not sure he'll ever play catch again. Who can trust those things, anyways?

Post nap cuddle time "selfie". 

And finally, if you've ever wondered how one becomes a complete sports fanatic…well, here's one in the making. 

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