Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


I just can not understand how these two have grown this much so fast. I know, I know... I say it all the time, but it just continues to baffle me. It's too fast and yet, let's be honest, on some days, not fast enough. Posting this and looking at theses photos, well, it's just happening way too fast for my liking. The fact is, they're not babies anymore, and I miss my babies.

Also troublesome is the fact that I have two very coordinated, very interested, very fearless (well, one anyway) kids and it scares me. Admittedly, I do have some trouble letting go, letting them just go and do these things, you know, without first wrapping them head to toe in bubble wrap (I'm gonna be a mess in the teenage years, I'm prepping way ahead of time for that).

Really, I just want to keep them close and keep them safe as long as I can. Letting them go further and further everyday...well, I just don't know how I feel about that...guess I'm gonna have to get used to it.

And...true to form, right before snapping this one I said, "Maddie, please do NOT ride thru the puddle..."

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