Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, September 5, 2014

First day of Freedom (I mean, school...) oh, and Football

Five days before Maddie was born I remember thinking, this is my last four hours of freedom for two+ years...then...I dropped Hudson off for school at 9 months pregnant with Maddie.

Those two years really are quite blurry. A lot happened and it happened fast. Then this morning, suddenly, it was here. I was so excited at the thought of just a few hours of freedom. A few hours of quiet time, do-what-I-want-to shop alone time, sip coffee slowly time, walk the dogs, excercise, breathe air time...go to yoga time, oh, I could go on and on...

And, while all of this is desirable, even sought after, I found myself looking back at two empty car seats thinking, I kinda miss them a little. A little a little.

I find consistently, when they go, I want them back, I miss them. While I think taking breaks, finding time for me is important, my kids are everything right now, and it's hard to understand moments without them. As much as they need me, some days I think- maybe I need them more.

And, Seahawks Monday night football, NFL SEASON OPENER- a special "stay-up late" night with daddy, because, well, because he took a nap. At age 4 1/2, this is truly, at least according to his parents, a victory, for all involved. It really is. 

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