Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ut-Oh, Cookie!

Based on what I've read, by 16 months most children have about 7 words. Maddie has about 3X that much. Scott and I haven observed on many occasions how incredibly smart she is, then I think, well, maybe that's the difference between child #1 and child #2.

With #1 you worry about everything. You worry about them reaching milestones and when. Sitting, crawling, walking, talking, etc...With Maddie I haven't been near as concerned with whether or not she's reaching those milestones.

I've noticed that she picks up things very quickly, and she remembers them. She follows directions and knows exactly what you are saying even if she can't completely communicate that to you verbally. Well, whatever it is I can tell you that our little girl is smart, she's very smart and trying at every opportunity to engage in conversation.

I'm sure I have left off a few, but here's a list of her words, well, what I can recall at the present moment anyways:

First Word: "HI!"

she (shoe)
ma' (more)
coff-eeeee (coffee)
a-pease (please)
na-na (banana)
Ba-pa (diaper)
deeee (dirty)
pee-pee (don't ask)
tee-tee (train)
cook-key (cookie)
MMMMM (yummy)
mum-mum (as in toddler teething cookie, mum-mum)

She is still a complete and utter handful, but also a tremendous joy.  We love her so!

Wearing mommy's glasses

Wearing Hudson's "hat".

Keeping me busy at Hudson's gymnastics class.

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