Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Fireman HUD

There are so many reasons to love, so many. On any given weekend, rain or shine (alright, alright....mostly rain) there are endless things to do here, especially with the kids. It's never a matter of hmmmm....what can we do this weekend? Instead it's hmmmmm....which of these 500 activities should we do this weekend?

Though there have been challenges along the way, new routines and things unfamiliar, I can't say enough now, how pleased I am (we are) with our decision to move here. This city really does have everything.

There is a sense of community everywhere you go, people care about their city, about each other and about their own communities. They care about the environment, about our children and about our future.

I love Seattle! I love Seattle! I love Seattle!

In thinking about this post, I got a bit side-tracked. I just couldn't contain my feelings for Seattle!

Anyways...yesterday, I took Hudson to "Seattle Fire Day", down in South Lake Union. There were firetrucks- both old and new- firemen, firemen reading stories, firemen with their gear ready and willing to help the little ones try it on, firemen with equipment, was pretty awesome and Hudson LOVED it.

When we left he said, "Mommy, when I grow up, I'm gonna be a fireman!"

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