Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Thursday, October 3, 2013

A couple of months ago I went to the doctor because I couldn't figure out why I was just suddenly SO TIRED all the time. I'm talking, serious fatigue, to the point that I was actually questioning my health.

Well, thankfully, there's nothing wrong with me. I had a ton of tests done just to be sure, but the truth is, I'm just tired. I guess there's something to be said about having kids early in life, when you can pull all-nighters and it's nothing. Sleep deprivation is an expected and predictable part of your daily life, and it's ok. You can hack it.

Having children in your mid to late 30's is a whole different story. Especially when you're with them all day, every day and every night and you dream of napping, of sleep, but you can't nap because if and when your children nap you have a list of about a gazillion things you have to try to get done while they're sleeping because if you don't do it while they're sleeping they won't get done...I'm rambling here, I blame it on utter, sheer exhaustion. My apologies.

On a more upbeat note, my dear friend Suzy was in Seattle last weekend for a wedding and though it had been 4 years since we last actually saw each other, it was as if not a day had passed. I have missed her and our friendship tremendously over the years. She got to spend some time with me and the kids and they both loved her. In fact, Hudson has been asking about her every day since she left. I'm hoping she fell in love with this city like we did and decides she must live here, too. Fingers crossed, I'd love to have her here.

A little of what's been happening this week-

With Suzy at Golden Gardens

Her big, beautiful eyes have finally turned brown.

The loves of my life.

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