Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Carving Pumpkins

Once again, it's been a long time since my last has been very busy and free time is something that just doesn't come along much.

Scott took the day off yesterday and we planned on carving our pumpkins, but as usual, we ran out of time and it didn't happen. So, today I decided to take on this task alone. WOW. What was I thinking? For future reference, this is not something I recommend doing when outnumbered by your kids.

I think our pumpkins turned out ok, although next time we probably do need to purchase an actual pumpkin carving knife. Lessons learned...

As you look over the photos below you might wonder where Hudson got his shiner. That was me, mom of the year, here. We collided in the kitchen and not knowing he was behind me I accidentally whacked him in the eye with a plate. SWELL.

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