Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A few days ago Hudson and I were walking home from the park when suddenly he stopped, and he said, "Wait, mommy. I need to paint this house!" And he proceeded to do so. Of course it was all pretend, but it's this kind of stuff I love lately about being with my kids. It's the stuff that happens daily, that makes you smile. It's little stuff, really, but it opens your eyes to the fact that your child is growing up, is suddenly understanding so much more about this big world we live in, is imagining, is just being a kid, and it's absolutely wonderful. Then they throw a huge fit when you get home and all of that goes out the window. Oh, the joys of parenting....

I haven't done this in a while, but yesterday when I peeked in on Hudson during his nap, I couldn't resist taking a picture. He's so cute when he's sleeping, and it's moments like this when I am reminded that he is still so, so young.

And speaking of young, this little pumpkin is growing up way too fast  again. She's standing up everywhere, all the time, every chance she can possibly get. And talk about cute, just look at the way I'm greeted when I go to get her from her nap.

A recipe for complete and total disaster. Hudson loves his train table. Maddie loves to practice standing up and simultaneously play with Hudson's trains on his train table. Talk about a debacle. Good grief. This happens a hundred times every day and every single time it's a mess. Hudson is starting to learn that if he just plays nice, like attaching Cranky the Crane to her head (as seen below) that it's actually not so bad. Not sure Maddie would agree. Oh, the joys of two. The joys of two, a boy and a girl. Fun times are in my future.

Madeline is still such a happy, happy little girl with an infectious smile that you just can't help but love. She is so, so independent and very strong-willed. She doesn't want anyone doing anything for her, doesn't want baby food, only people food, doesn't want to be fed, wants to feed herself, doesn't want you to help her, she'll do it herself, thank you and I swear if she could change her own diaper she would, she sure as heck does not want me doing it!! She kinda reminds me of someone I know...

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